Monday, June 24, 2024

Market Day in Trani

Day Six. Market Day in Trani. Today we headed to the market in Trani where we found fresh fruit and a roasted chicken and then to the local paneficio where we bought the iconic Pugliese bread, Foccacia Barese and a small bit of pastry. The town was hyped for Euro Cup 2024. This overcast day was perfect for enjoying pranzo at home. Bread in Puglia is like no other and one of the things I think about when I’m long gone from this place. After we finally found a place to dispose of our trash (italy’s trash woes are impossible for me to understand) we spent the evening in Trani enjoying one another’s company.

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Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Lazio, Italy

Day Sixteen: We wrap up our journey with a visit to Villa d’Este a 16th century villa commissioned by Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este (1509–...