Last week NFL Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth (#92) purposely stepped on the face of Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode. The play was already complete and Gurode lay on the field without a helmet when Hayesworth stomped his cleat into his face. Haynesworth has a five game suspension, which seems to be a big deal in the NFL. Criminal charges were not filed, although it clearly was a felony assault. There is no doubt that Haynesworth is a nasty individual and this is not his first incident of uncontrolled anger that has resulted in violence. I am seriously bothered by this. I too happen to have an angry temperment. I only wish I were a male species so that I could crush this rage in a productive way like playing football. Instead, I clean and I write. And I watch football. I love football. I like the strategy. I like the massive men who line up on the field. I am moved by their gentleness off the field. When someone like Haynesworth comes along, it ruins the whole game for me. It reminds me that not all giants are gentle. I am disappointed by the punishment that the NFL has metted out. So, I am responding with a punishment of my own. I vow that from this day forward I will not purchase a single piece of official NFL merchandise. It probably won't mean much unless I can convince another hundred thousand folks to take the challenge with me. I don't care though, it will channel the anger I am feeling right now. And no one ends up bloodied.
Frank says: The game is called "Football" and it is a rough game. However,in a moment of frustration,Hanesworth crossed the line. I feel that his five game suspension, along with loss of salary{a lot of $$$$} is ample punnishment. Hanesworth admits that he was wrong,and I personally think that it called be considered Temporary insanity.
This is not an isolated incident on Haynesworth part as described in a recent article in the Indiana Star:
"Haynesworth has a history of violence. While still in college, he threatened a teammate with a metal pole. Three years ago, he kicked a Titans teammate during a practice. That same season, he took a swing at an opponent on the field." See full article at http://tinyurl.com/pooxm
The same player would be severely penalized for smoking a single joint and this position by the NFL was designed so that young people who admire athletes would romanticize drug use. I guess it's okay if young kids romaticize violence....
Touche! says Frank
First of all, men are not a species. If they were we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place, since Hanesworth wouldn't exist. That is, unless he was some sort of clone, and who would clone an idiot like that in the first place? McDonalds?
Speaking of idiots.....
Since this blog began with another "sour grapes" complaint of the double-standard between men and women, I'd like to bring up another double-standard, this time between sports - and nationalities.
Why is it that the same people that bitch about Hanesworth stomping on the head of a competitor are the first to spend at least one half-hour of their day watching instant replays of some canadian hockey player bashing the snot out of another canadian hockey player's face with a closed fist under a frozen glove?
Is it because they're canadian, or because they're hockey players? Maybe it's because it's the only way the NHL can pay its bills. Maybe its because the percentage of hockey players that are white is at least equal to the percentage of football players are black. If Brian Urlacher was to poke Donavan McNabb in the eye under a pile, would it be labeled as a "hate crime"?
Maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch, but the point remains. Football is, by nature, a violent game. Every once-in-a-while you're gonna see something unpleasant and, probably, unkind. Don't worry about it. Spend your time and typing making examples of real scum-bags, like Pete Rose.
But hey, that's just my opinion.
I certainly was not complaining about a double standard in this case. Men get to play football. I think it is cool and I wish there were girl teams, but I am not even suggesting that men have anything to do with the lack of female football teams. Most women are not interested in contact sports because they are not physically aggressive and choose other outlets for their competitiveness. I, on the other hand, might enjoy that kind of interaction as it suits my personality. I would rather beat my opponent up than endlessly argue or cajole. The size difference between men and women make this impossible. Otherwise, I would just as soon have kicked your ass than answered your comment.
ok everyone, if you are talking about kicking asses I should intervene. Frank's comment hit it on the button...temporary insanity. The game of football is like a war and at times to get the advantage players and coaches revert to trickery and terror. Hainesworth kick could have done far more damage had he intended to. Broken nose and blindness was within his reach. I never knew this guy before the incident,however, if I was a professional lineman ( only an amateur now ) " he's in my head ". If I had to play him, my game would have to divert from what I know. Let the war begin!
I like your comment. Okay, let's just say that I go with your line of thinking. What do I say to my 15 year old son, a lineman for his high school team, about this incident? Do I tell him to do whatever he needs to do in order to gain psychological advantage over his opponent? Quite frankly, he would like that advice because in addition to making tackles, he would like to inflict pain. How much is enough and how do we communicate that to our young players?
Ok let me laydown the law. Haynesworth messed up if the heat of passion. He got punished. He got fined alot. Hes a lineman and he dosent make that much.
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